Archive for March, 2009

April Newsletter

March 30, 2009


Newsletter April 2009

Greetings. I hope you are enjoying Spring. Here in the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico the spring winds have arrived. And we who live off grid are welcoming the longer days of sunshine. I need to do a bit of repair work on my greenhouse before I can plant my tomatoes. A greenhouse is the best way to keep the elk and deer from harvesting my crop before I do.

Salon International

Open House & Reception April 11, 2009

Gallery Exhibit April 11 – May 1 Greenhouse Gallery of Art , San Antonio , TX

As I told you last month, I had 2 of my paintings accepted into the Salon International Exhibit. I’m so thrilled to be in this show. There were 1031 paintings entered in this juried show and 347 were selected. I’m glad I didn’t have to be the judge!
One of my paintings in the show is “The Making of a Cowboy”, an oil on canvas , 24″ x 18″. It shows our favorite cowboy, Howdy Doody, with his patent, and accessories to make a cowboy. What cowboy is complete without his badge, handkerchief, garters, boots and plaid shirt? He is shown hanging from a rustic wood panel . Howdy was the first tv character to have a copyright.

I have a step by step demonstration showing how I painted this on my blog


With Wind and Time
This is a recent painting, oil on canvas, 30 “x 40” . It shows a plains Indian warrior wearing a     bone breast plate, red and blue beads and a black blanket . The painted hand on his face shows  that he has ‘counted coup’ or touched an enemy in battle.

This painting can be purchased at Mountain Trails Gallery inPark City UT

How to care for your oil painting
This tip is from The American Institute for Conservation
Dust your painting every four to six months. Feather dusters can scratch paintings. Instead use soft, white-bristle Japanese brushes, sable (such as a typical makeup brush), or badger-hair brushes (called “blenders” and used for faux finishes). Never try to clean a painting yourself or use any liquid or commercial cleaners on a painted surface. Commercial preparations can cause irreparable damage to the fragile layers of a painting.

To see more of my paintings , a list of my galleries and to  be the first to see my current work please view these sites



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Ride ’em Cowboy – Oil Painting

March 20, 2009


Here is the finished painting.‘Ride ‘em Cowboy’ is 18″ x 24″, oil on canvas.The challenge of this painting was to put enough detail in the scarf in the background so that it would be interesting but not so much detail that it would become the focal point and overwhelm the painting. I left the colors muted and low key

Forever Brave – oil painting

March 17, 2009


This little guy is one of my favorite vintage ceramic figures . He’s a little warrior with a tomahawk.

He is standing infront of a wool blanket. Can you tell that I love the color Red?

As I’ve said before, I love painting the different textures. The roughness of the wool, the shiny hardest of the ceramic and the satin reflections on the table all come together to make a nice contrast

Work In Progress – Ride ’em Cowboys

March 13, 2009


Seems like I’ve been working on this painting forever. And I’m still not finished! This painting is titled ‘Ride ’em Cowboys’. It’s 18″ x 24″, oil on canvas. It’s another painting in my Western Still life series which features vintage western figures. The background is a silk scarf with a cowboy and horse. Yee Haw! The figurines are two ceramic cowboys, their horses and cactus on a American Indian motif rug.

I have a nice collection of Cowboy and Indian figurines and I just can’t paint them fast enough. They call to me “Paint me. Paint me”. I’m so excited about this series of pauintings. They make me smile while I’m painting. What more can I ask for?

I LOVE painting the different textures and the  way light bounces off the different objects. I can’t wait to see how this looks when I’m finished

Take a look at my other paintings in this series here

Red Globes – oil painting

March 1, 2009

red-globesRed Globes” is an oil painting on canvas, 30″ x 30″. The background is black and white striped fabric. The silver bowl and the brass goblet show the striped reflections. There are two red globes which are also reflected in the silver and brass.

This painting is available from my studio