Archive for February, 2013

Orbit Space Game by K Henderson

February 11, 2013
Orbit Game by K Henderson
Orbit, 20 x 30, oil on linen

Here’s my latest Trompe L’oeil painting in my Vintage Board Game series. This game was manufactured by Parker Brothers in 1959.

My Orbit game is in pretty good shape. Fortunately, I have 2 very beat up Monopoly games that I used for inspiration for the tape, dents and dings.


Brer Rabbit Molasses

February 8, 2013

Brer Rabbit Molasses by K Henderson

Brer Rabbit Molasses, 16 x 20, oil on cradled board

I recently read that one of the most collected items is vintage cooking pieces. I happen to be one of those collectors. Many are keepsakes handed down through family.

This Trompe L’Oeil painting shows a 1920’s Brer Rabbit Molasses ad. The rabbit peeking from behind the ad is a die cut ‘premium’ from the same company. The handmade (made by me) chocolate girl and rabbit is from a vintage chocolate mold. And, yes, I made the Ginger Bread Man, too, from a recipe in a vintage cookbook. The other vintage items include wooden blocks, a ginger can and a cookie cutter


Brer Rabbit detail

Wonderful Cat by K Henderson

February 4, 2013

Wonderful Cat by K Henderson

Wonderful Cat, 18 x 24, oil on cradled board

I came across this box of pencils while engaged in my never ending search for vintage toys. The colors of the box and the pencils screamed out “Paint Me!” so I did. I don’t know if any of the pencils are original to the box but I don’t really care.

This TrompeĀ  L’oeil shows a box of colored pencils manufactured by the American Lead Pencil Company. Felix the Cat is painting up a storm!

By the way, Felix is one old cat! He first appeared around 1919 and is still going strong!